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RED 5147

The activity descriptions provided in this summary of ESOL infused activities or assignments are intended to provide you with information about how you meet the requirements to earn the ESOL endorsement as part of your initial certification degree. It thus concentrates on the ESOL component of the activity or assignment, and may not reflect all portions of each class assignment or activity. Carefully read through the entire assignment description in the associated course's syllabus to ensure that you fulfill all assignment requirements. If the Electronic Portfolio Assessment row indicates Yes, this means that you will upload this graded assignment to your online assessment account in LiveText/Via/Watermark/Student Learning and Licensure, etc.


ESOL Endorsement Standards 2.3, 3.2, 4.1, 5.3
Activity Objective Develop two lesson plans, one for the beginning reader and the other for the developing reader, 2nd grade and above.
Activity Description Students will develop two separate guided reading lesson plans that develop comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, decoding (phonemes/morphemes), and fluency within the context of a literary or nonfiction text. Lesson plan should be based on principles of exemplary reading instruction. One plan will focus on the beginning reader; the other will focus on the developing reader (2nd grade level and above). Identify Sunshine State Standards Benchmarks that are addressed through this lesson. Provide specific outline for your plan. Include objective, materials, teaching procedures (including before, during, and after reading behaviors), and evaluation (how you will know that student has accomplished your objective). Accommodations for the beginning, intermediate, and advanced English Language Learner and other diverse learners should be identified throughout the lesson plan. Remember that a beginning reader can be a beginning, intermediate, or advanced EL.
ESOL-specific Reading(s) Blair, T.R. (2007). Teaching Children to Read in Diverse Communities. St. Paul, Mn: Freeload Press. Also available at Gillanders, C. & Castro, D.C. (2011, January). Storybook reading for young dual language learners. Young Children, 91-95.
Generic Syllabus URL N/A
Detailed Assignment Description URL N/A
Electronic Portfolio Assessment Yes


ESOL Endorsement Standards 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2
Activity Objective Reflect on competencies and reading strategies while reading class texts
Activity Description To prepare for each class, candidates look at the topics for that date and preview reading assignments. Candidates reflect on which competencies relate to the assigned reading. Before reading, identify the text strategy you will use for your text reading (see calendar). During reading, think of yourself as a reader and your reading processes AND think about the concepts you will use as a teacher. After you read, summarize the key concepts; include your thoughts about what you have read. Reflections must include specific applications of the text strategy to English Language Learners and special needs populations. In the margin of your reflection, indicate the reading endorsement competency that is addressed. Within the reflection, address how what you have read will help you with the English Language Learner. Be sure to write ELL and highlight so that it will be easy to identify.
ESOL-specific Reading(s) Blair, T.R. (2007). Teaching Children to Read in Diverse Communities. St. Paul, Mn: Freeload Press. Also available at Gillanders, C. & Castro, D.C. (2011, January). Storybook reading for young dual language learners. Young Children, 91-95.
Generic Syllabus URL N/A
Detailed Assignment Description URL N/A
Electronic Portfolio Assessment No